Blu Cat Red Dog is the showcase for the combined collections of Blu Cat Embroidery & Red Dog Applique.
Most of the designs in our collection have been made and remade over the years; proved and improved every time we discovered a better way. We are proud of the quality of our designs. They come with our full guarantee of your satisfaction:ANY LITTLE PROBLEM , JUST SHOUT & WE'LL FIX IT !

All design objects are manually created and sequenced using state of the art software. Noncontiguous stitch blocks of the same colour get connected by running stitch . The running stitch then gets buried beneath the next block of stitches. And so on where ever possible.
With this practice we avoid long jump stitches and unnecessary trims. It also helps protect against creases and puckering by keeping the sewing foot on the fabric.

After building the design , we electronically stitch each size numerous times under different simulated conditions. With micro precision we can highlight any potential faults which might not appear during test stitching .
We then digitally examine each individual stitch block. We test fill blocks for optimum stitch angle , exit point and underlay density . And we optimise satin stitch for width , density , and cornering.

Only after perfecting all these criterion is the design finally ready to be stitched at machine. This final step tests the overall compensation effects of the combined stitch blocks. The more complex the design is , the more there is to adjust for . Therefore the more times it will need to be stitched out.
These three steps allow us to maintain a continuity of quality across all designs in our collection.

To keep it simple we standardise our applique designs by maintaining strictly consistent parameters over the following elements :All our applique designs have 3 steps per layer of applique : Mark-out , Tack-down , and Satin Finish, with coloUr change stops in between each step. Simple applique instructions are included in the download pack.
We employ a double running tackdown stitch so there is no problem if you trim too close and snip a stitch.
Satin stitch width ranges from 3.2 to 5.6 mm depending on the design size . This means you need to trim tighter on the 4×4 design than on the 6×8, but there is always enough width to cover the trimmed edge .
As with all our embroidery designs , we manually order all design objects within the design . This helps maintain balance in stitch direction and avoid excessive compensation issues.
Building BluCatRedDog has been an all consuming affair..... and we're only about half way done. We still have hundreds of designs not yet listed. For this reason we will not be accepting any more custom work until next year.
If, however, you are looking for a stock design that you don't see, do give us a shout.... We may well have it in the works.